Editorial Policy & Standards

This organization, CruiseGear (by Destinations Travel & Media), is committed to avoiding conflicts of interest appearing where, when, and whenever possible. We have established stringent policies regarding issues of this nature, aware that they may be more restrictive than those related to other publications in our niche.

We do not seek nor accept gifts or preferential treatment because of the positions we hold and the content we produce. The only exception is for travel, such as undersold cruises, hotel rooms, and experiences in new destinations, or those given to us as a critic for review.

We accept no payment from any organization with governmental ties.

We do not engage ourselves in partisan causes, politics, community activities, social issues, or demonstrations.

What we publish is fair. Our reviews are unbiased and not influenced by any organization. Stories must be reviewed by one or more editors who also fact-check.


In our efforts to be responsive to errors on digital platforms, we strive to be prompt and have corrections issued within 24 hours. When an error, clarification, or editor’s note is run, our objective is to ensure that readers, as clearly and quickly as possible, are informed as to what is wrong and what is correct. When our story is accurate but our choice of words makes it difficult for others to understand the situation, our text will be revised to enhance clarity.

We hope you enjoy our ALWAYS HUMAN-WRITTEN content and appreciate our efforts to be fair and accurate.